Past Clinics


March 13 – 15, 2025
Chris’s horsemanship clinics will cover the fundamentals of his horsemanship techniques that he uses and teaches in the Instructional Programs. Clinic participants will have Chris personally instruct, oversee, evaluate and teach to ensure your progress through his training program. Sharing his vast knowledge and experience, Chris will make it possible for you, your horse and auditors watching, to learn the most effective ways to communicate with your horse and enjoy your Ride on the Journey.

The Horsemanship Clinics are progressive. The knowledge and skills learned will build each day and the techniques and methods taught are fundamentals of Chris Cox’s program. These are practical and effective techniques that you can use every day to communicate with your horse.

Come prepared and ready to learn with an open mind. Please inform us of any physical problems or disabilities that will hinder you and your horses’ ability, prior to attending the clinic.


  • Rope Halter & 13-foot Lead Rope these are available for sale at the clinic.

  • Riding Boots with flat leather soles and proper riding heels are best.

  • NO videotaping is permitted during any part of the clinic. This includes the use of any type of recording device, including cell phones.

  • Still photos are allowed.

  • NO SMOKING is permitted on the ranch! This includes no smoking in your vehicle, barns, porches, etc. If you need a smoke break, please leave the ranch to smoke. We appreciate your cooperation!

  • NO DOGS are permitted on the ranch.

  • The course requires a horse that you are comfortable riding at a walk, trot and lope on a loose rein with a good foundation.

  • At times, you will be riding outside the arena, so you need to be comfortable riding in these situations.

Green Broke horses or Studs are not suitable for this type of clinic.

  • This is a group clinic and your horse needs to be reasonable and manageable. Individual assistance will be given as needed and up to a certain amount without interfering with the progression of the group session.

  • The number of participant spots are limited so each rider can expect to get individual feedback throughout the clinic, as well as benefit from the feedback Chris will give others. You are expected to be a secure and confident rider and you are also expected to be able to enjoy riding for several hours at a time. If you are not at this level then we recommend auditing the clinic.

  • You will need to schedule your arrival at the host facility prior to arrival.


Clinic hours: 9 am to 5 pm each day

Spectators/Auditors are welcome at a cost of $35 a day and may not bring horses to the clinic. Bring a folding camp chair.

For more information, rider application and reservations, please visit:


March 7 – 9, 2025
Betsy Fajen of Natural Horse Solutions is proud to host an Introduction to Working Equitation Clinic located at Brandreth Farms in Talking Rock March 7-9, 2024.
Betsy has a well established background in Natural Horsemanship and combined with her knowledge of dressage she applies it to Working Equitation successfully. She has competed up to level five in Working Equitation and is currently ranked #31 in the world for Western Dressage Association of America with her mustang Bravado, who she has personally developed. Bravado has also achieved the prestigious Supreme Champion title through WDAA for his performances.
In the last four years Betsy has worked diligently to bring Working Equitation to the greater Atlanta area by hosting schooling shows and clinics at her home facility, Wild at Heart Ranch. Wild at Heart Ranch was host to Georgia’s first Rated Working Equitation show in Georgia in August 2024 and plans to continue to organize more Working Equitation events in the future.
In this two day clinic, participants will have the opportunity to learn about this multi-faceted discipline and apply learned skills to their dressage test and ease of handling course in a beautiful covered arena and relaxed environment.
Whether prepping for the upcoming show season, looking to learn more about the sport or just have a fun weekend with your horse, participants will leave with an understanding of what judges will look for in a dressage tests as well as correct execution of obstacles and course navigation for the ease of handling course.
**Registration available early January**

For more information, rider application and reservations, please contact;

Natural Horse Solutions  (404) 226-4449     e-mail:


Bill Richey Clinic

McLoughlin Clinic
McLoughlin Clinic
Herd Anxiety Clinic
Herd Anxiety Clinic

Georgia WDAA
Georgia WDAA
Ground Working Clinic
Ground Working Clinic

All Around Horsemanship Clinic
All Around Horsemanship Clinic
All Around Horsemanship Clinic
All Around Horsemanship Clinic


